If you missed last nights Facebook LIVE announcement, I got you — click HERE for a recap.
Each Christmas we get an ornament or two, that represents what we are looking forward to or hope to accomplish in the upcoming year. One year it was an Alpaca which represented an upcoming trip to Peru, last year it was a baby carriage as we were patiently awaiting the arrival of our sweet Maren. This year, it’s a Donut.
No we donut have any plans to win a donut eating contest nor are we opening a bakery. This Donut represents a new path. One that I, “Miss. plan and control everything” did not see coming.
If you have been following along for he last couple of months you know I resigned from my secure, stable job back in September. Completely out of character and honestly a little…ok a lot scary. But I had a peace about it, it was time, I knew God was calling me in another direction. He needed my talents elsewhere. At the time I had NO clue what it would be.
Since my resignation I have been helping small business owners, schools, churches…the list goes on and on. I’m helping them with marketing their business, graphic design, social analytics, content creation, video. I’ve been able to connect with some amazing people and building new relationships. — helping them find their voice, create their message and share their story. In the midst of each opportunity, I was finding my own voice, my own message, my own story.
Right before I resigned I had completed a round of the FASTer Way To Fat Loss and could not believe the results I had. As a girl who has always struggled and had to work REALLY hard to maintain, this program lit a fire in me and I was all in! About a month after a resigned my coach mentioned a coaching opportunity. (Can we please talk about Gods perfect timing?! 🙌🏼) .
Me? A coach? What? — the more I thought about it, that flame inside me began to grow and grow. This past month I have been going thru the process of becoming a FASTer Way To Fat Loss Coach. And y’all, I’m this 👌🏼 close. I’m joining a remarkable group of coaches that range from nurses, doctors, teachers, trainers, stay at home moms, business owners….coaches who have completely different jobs, lives, interest, hobbies….. but we all have one thing in common, passion. I love marketing and creating ads, I love the challenges each new client brings and I am going to continue to offer my services with no plans of slowing down. But I’m also passionate about helping others achieve their health and wellness goals and I’m just getting started….petal to the metal.
I’ve experienced and have seen first hand how this program has changed lives. I’ve seen the confidence it has given those who had not felt good about themselves in years. The testimonials are endless. Clients being able to decrease or completely come off medications all together. Clients having more energy, sleeping better, skin clearing up, bodies completely getting stronger and healthier from the inside out.
My genuine love for people fuels my passion to touch as many lives as possible. I KNOW the feeling of not being comfortable in the skin your in. I am so humbled that I have been given this opportunity to help women AND men feel the best they have. Because this isn’t a quick fix, this is a sustainable lifestyle. You aren’t dependent on a patch or a pill. You are given the knowledge to thrive on your own. YOU are in control.
I cannot wait to place this ornament on the tree next year and say “Wow, what a year!”
The first step is often times the hardest. If this speaks to you, if you are ready fill our the quick information in the link below and you will be notified the day registration is open. This isn’t a commitment just yet, this your first step forward.